Day16. 31st October Chilli Beach to Coen River

The tired Frenchman’s track travellers have requested a lazy start today, which we did  but funnily enough we are still on the road by 9am.

We choose to be a little touristy this morning and firstly head to the historical village of Portland road, about 15 k from chilli beach but essentially around the coastal corner.
It is absolutely picturesque and has a little cafe, which is closed.

Back on track and head into the aboriginal community of Lockhart, I was expecting something similar to Bamaga and it is the same, perhaps a bit smaller.
The houses look pretty new or at least modern but just badly maintained. Stuff everywhere, not garbage necessarily but broken bikes, cars, toys just left where they fell.
There is a modern school and a water park which also seems closed.

There is a aboriginal art gallery that we looking forward to seeing but it’s closed. There is voting at the small council chambers but voted in Weipa, so no excuse to peep.
The historical WW2 Gordon airstrip doesn’t seem to have anything to see either.
We do go to the supermarket tho for some snacks and supplies, I always love looking in supermarkets when I’m away just to see what they have. This one is lovely, huge and full of friendly  staff. ( and air conditioned, didn’t want to leave.๐Ÿ˜Š)

Now it’s time to hit the road. We have the 100 or so kms to backtrack before getting back onto the PDR. 
We have ourselves a convoy again and there is constant chatter over the radio as we keep each other safe.
Roadworks and big machinery, creek crossing and challenging roads keep us occupied and that’s done before we know it.

No real plan for the night, just to see how everyone feels.
It’s about 3pm and we arrive at Coen river. It on the northern side of Coen and is quite a lovely river bank with tea trees and rock pools, although they are a bit shallow. 
There is plenty of shade at the decision is made to set up camp.

Glenn and carol decide it’s a bit too early to stop, so they decide to continue on and hopefully we’ll catch up with them in Cooktown tomorrow.

It’s a lovely restful afternoon, everyone finding their spot of cool. 
Sundowners fabulous as always beside the river and tonight we have another fire.

We sit surrounding the fire but at a respectable distance away as I think it’s still about 35c


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